
“If you want to be happy, be.” – Leo Tolstoy.

I will confess, I have never read any of Leo Tolstoy’s works. Yesterday, I was feeling a little down. Which probably reflected in the post yesterday I suppose. Come thursday(Freedom day!) I will drive down south. I have never seen the white cliffs of Dover and I probably should while I have the time in England. So the plan as it stands now is to drive to Southampton and then along the coast. A mini four day adventure.

There is a little work to be done on the Friday, but nothing that can’t be done in the local pub. My lack of pictures during lockdown is something to change too. I would like this blog to have a new picture everyday.

Accomplishments – Yesterday, I completed the draft of my assignment. I don’t have too much left to do today. Formatting, rereading and that is all. The format of the assignment is that of a poster defence, so I will have to record answers to questions tomorrow. Nothing to worry about though. I have the distinct feeling that this will always be my biggest downfall though. Overconfidence.

Gratitude – For my friends, where I live is not surrounded by friends I suppose. But then again I am. I live with a friend, everyday I speak to my Chinese and Spanish tutors. If I went to their parts of the world I would definitely visit. Soon to be friends maybe. Today’s gratitude anyway, is friendship.

Health – I feel great, 38 days sober today, day 3 of exercising everyday and day 6 of writing daily. Putting my thoughts in a blog truly does help me feel better. A recommendation.

Music – The music part of this website needs updating, that is a must for this week.

Post Script – By thursday there should be a picture in this place.