A long way in time.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not a truth.” – Marcus Aurelius

The above is something that I have to constantly remind myself when talking about politics in the UK. This place seems so divided at the moment. A little off topic there. I haven’t posted anything for a month now(so much for posting everyday). I completed my first formal placement in school for the course that I am on. The days didn’t leave must time for journalling as some days I was working 16 hours a day. I am feeling good though. The first placement is finished and I know my areas of weakness where I need to progress. Good times.

During this placement, I also(somewhat unwillingly) but my language learning on hold. I didn’t take any classes for Spanish or Chinese. Not having Chinese class wasn’t too much of a problem as they are only guided reading classes. What I am concerned for though is my Spanish level. My Spanish is at a lower intermediate level and not having the opportunity to speak often may have brought this down somewhat.

I am seeing a friend in Manchester at the moment, it is good to get out and be social after 4 weeks of constant work. No rest for the wicked however, as next week promises to be another funfilled adventure.

Gratitude – I am thankful for being able to work hard on the course that I am on. Not everyone is as commitment free as myself so I am able to work hard. I am also thankful for having friends who support me. Being able to talk to old friends like we have barely missed a day is the sign of a good friendship(in my opinion, as noted by Marcus above). Gratitude number 3 revolves around health. I have been able to lose quite a lot of weight recently. So I am on a high from that. Roll on being lean.

That will have to do for today. I will try my best to write again tomorrow.

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